This are the contents that every discipline is nourishing with to our practice. All of them are integrated through dancing CONTACT IMPROVISATION. We will use some of them according what the students or the groupality most needs for it development on every specific moment.

CONTACT IMPROVISATION: Being present, sharing space, time and energy. Comunication and cocreation without words and without spectations.
Small dance. Stillness. Awareness. Listening. Body Integration. Falling. Images and landscapes for unity. Unbalance.
Waiting for the right moment. Acceptance. Boundaries. Self support. Rising and moving Earth. Inviting. Respecting yourself and others. Continuity and Spirals. Empty space, pauses and void. Joyful exploration. Enjoy not knowing and dance open to the unkwown. Playing with gravity. Momentum. Inertia. Open flow.
QI GONG: Energy work
Nei Gong: ITKA Mother Secuence:Connection, Expansion Contraction, Oscilation, Spirals, Acceleration of Spirals, Movement on one point.
Ba Duan Jing: 8 pieces of Silk brocade.
Water Qi Gong.
Wu Ji: Non Polarity, non action, stillness and void.
Zhang Zhuang: Stand like a post, Tree Hug, Long Arms.
Yi Jin Jing: Renewal of muscle and tendons.
Connecting Heaven and Earth.
Building Earth Heaven Earth Circuits.
TAI JI QUAN: The fundamental principle boxing
Yang Cheng Fu's 10 principles of movement.
8 energies and 5 directions.
ITKA exercises for center connection.
128 movements form Traditional Yang Secuence.
Lao Jia Yi Lu Traditional Chen Secuence.
Tui Shou exercises.
3 main Archs.
Energy of the Structure.
Energy Around the Structure.
Fang Song: Power of Relaxation and Not Doing.
Reversable movement.
Yi Qi Li: Intention, Energy, Action.

KUNG FU: mastering skills through long and conscious practice
Traditional Nothern Shaolin warm up.
Choy Lee Fut techniques and forms.
Traditional posture training.
Leg training, kicking and elongation techniques.
Integral body training.
San Ti Shi: Posture of the three bodies.
Guard and movement through space.
Three main forces of acceleration.
Defensive and offensive organization.
Field of Power.
Speed Control and Precision.
CONTEMPORARY DANCE: Feel and let be moved.
3D body exploration and integration.
Building oppositions.
Exploration and Improvisation in qualities, densities, volumes and speeds.
Own awareness and spatial awareness.
Open flow state.
Open circuit always full.
Joyful creativity.

INTEGRAL YOGA: Consciousness, Breathwork and awareness
Namaskar structures from any Asana.
Posture variations: Arms, Legs, Spine.
Sacred Geometry: Platonics Solids.
Taoism: Wu Wei, Not Doing.
Vedanta: Spiritual Unity.
Stoicism: Always recognize what depends on you at what does not.
Biology: Human Anatomy and physiology.
Nature: Natural cycles and proceses.